My Process from Start to Finish

I'm excited to share my process with you. Here's what you can expect when we work together.

1 Getting to Know You

First things first: I want to get to know your business and make sure we’re a perfect fit for each other. That’s why I’ll ask you questions about your industry, budget, biggest content struggles, target audience, the definition of success, and the type of writing you admire. This will help me get a feel for what you need before we even hop on a call.

2 Getting to the Good Stuff

Once I’ve reviewed your answers and determined that we’re a good fit, I’ll send you a link to schedule a call. During this call, I’ll ask you even more questions about your audience, current content status, goals, competitors, and preferred topics. We’ll use this time to carve out a scope for your project, including the number of blog posts, word count, specific topics, call-to-action, and project dates.

3 Onboarding

After our call, I’ll send you a proposal based on what we discussed. Once you confirm your options, I’ll send you a contract and a 50% deposit invoice. After that’s signed and paid, I’ll build out my systems for your project, like a Google Drive folder, an Asana project, and dates in my calendar. I’ll also ask for any additional resources I might need from you, like style guidelines or login info for your CMS.

4 Writing

Here’s where the magic happens! I write all my projects in Airstory, which allows me to write without distractions and focus on research and the big picture. When the first draft is ready, I’ll share it with you in Google Docs. 

Your part of the job is to review the draft and provide consolidated feedback with comments containing your thoughts and questions. Once you’ve finished your review, I’ll make edits based on your feedback within a day or two. We can repeat this process up to two times for revisions.

Once you sign off on the final draft, I’ll do any CMS work we agreed upon and send you an invoice for the remaining amount. 

5 Final Steps

At this point, I’ll also send you a short exit survey to gather your feedback on my process and your experience working with me.

If we worked on a one-off project and you were happy with how it went, I’m a huge fan of long-term, ongoing projects. We can discuss if this is something that will benefit you and figure out the best way to make it happen.

Let's Talk!

If you're ready to get started, head over here to get in touch with me.
I can't wait to work with you!