I'm a freelance Content Strategist and Content Developer based in Visakhapatnam, India.

Sudheer Gudla Profile

My name is Sudheer Gudla.

Let me tell you a little bit about my journey. I’ve always had a fascination with computers and software. In fact, while I was pursuing my mechanical engineering degree, I found myself drawn to the world of programming and web design.

I started out as a web designer at a start-up, but I quickly became curious about the backend development side of things. So, I dove deeper into that subject and eventually became a full-stack developer.

I worked hard, gaining experience in both frontend and backend development, and eventually landed a role as a Technical Lead at a large corporate giant. Things were going great until 2020 hit.

Sudheer Gudla Profile

My name is Sudheer Gudla.

Let me tell you a little bit about my journey. I’ve always had a fascination with computers and software. In fact, while I was pursuing my mechanical engineering degree, I found myself drawn to the world of programming and web design.

I started out as a web designer at a start-up, but I quickly became curious about the backend development side of things. So, I dove deeper into that subject and eventually became a full-stack developer.

I worked hard, gaining experience in both frontend and backend development, and eventually landed a role as a Technical Lead at a large corporate giant. Things were going great until 2020 hit.

Like many people, the pandemic made me take a step back and reevaluate my life. During that time, I spent a lot of time reading books, taking courses, and joining mentorship programs to learn more about business and entrepreneurship.

As I delved deeper into the world of sales and marketing, I realized that these were areas where many businesses struggle. I knew I had the skills and experience to help entrepreneurs and agency owners succeed, so I decided to make a career change.

Now, I help my clients grow their revenue through SEO and email marketing. I’m passionate about developing long-form, actionable blog content that helps my clients reach their goals and achieve greater success.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I hope to work with you soon!

sg working
sg working

Like many people, the pandemic made me take a step back and reevaluate my life. During that time, I spent a lot of time reading books, taking courses, and joining mentorship programs to learn more about business and entrepreneurship.

As I delved deeper into the world of sales and marketing, I realized that these were areas where many businesses struggle. I knew I had the skills and experience to help entrepreneurs and agency owners succeed, so I decided to make a career change.

Now, I help my clients grow their revenue through SEO and email marketing. I’m passionate about developing long-form, actionable blog content that helps my clients reach their goals and achieve greater success.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I hope to work with you soon!

sg photographing

Let me give you a glimpse of who I am.

I absolutely love portrait photography, capturing people’s emotions, and making them feel alive through my lens.

Teaching is my second nature, and I love making complex topics a piece of cake for anyone to understand.

Oh, did I mention I can’t survive without Music? My ears are always plugged in with my favourite tunes while working. You can catch me jamming to some sweet beats on my boats or Amazon Music.

Now, let’s talk about Food – I’m obsessed with it! But lately, I’m becoming more conscious about my health and fitness. Gotta keep that body in check!

Last but not least, I’m all about Investing. Managing money can be tough, but I’m always on the lookout for new channels to invest in. After all, who doesn’t want to secure their financial future?

sg photographing

Let me give you a glimpse of who I am.

I absolutely love portrait photography, capturing people’s emotions, and making them feel alive through my lens.

Teaching is my second nature, and I love making complex topics a piece of cake for anyone to understand.

Oh, did I mention I can’t survive without Music? My ears are always plugged in with my favourite tunes while working. You can catch me jamming to some sweet beats on my boats or Amazon Music.

Now, let’s talk about Food – I’m obsessed with it! But lately, I’m becoming more conscious about my health and fitness. Gotta keep that body in check!

Last but not least, I’m all about Investing. Managing money can be tough, but I’m always on the lookout for new channels to invest in. After all, who doesn’t want to secure their financial future?

My Core Values

Collaboration and Community:

Partnering up with other cool entrepreneurs and marketers who share my vibe. We want to help a bunch of folks rock it in their work.

Flexible Lifestyle:

Making sure I have time for both work and play. And, if I need to shuffle my schedule around, no biggie.

Spending Time Intentionally:

I don’t wanna just coast through life. I’m all about doing stuff that moves me forward and helps out the people I care about.


Always hustling to get better at sales, marketing, running a biz, being a good son, husband, friend, dad, and all-around decent human.

Family and Friends:

Making sure I carve out some quality time with the people who matter most to me. Even if we live far apart or are super busy.

Giving Back:

Pitching in my time, skills, and resources to make a positive difference in my community.